donderdag 15 december 2011

Funeral after a suicide

My mom came back from a funeral last week. Apparently the youngest child of a friend from college committed suicide. Last time the saw her friend, she said that they really had to meet before December. This only became true because of this sad event. It was really unexpected.

Anyway, she was telling about the ceremony. How his best friend, a teacher, his sisters made a speech what a wonderful person he was. How they could not believe he could ever think that he was a failure when he wrote his goodbye letter. That he was so talented and smart.

I started to think, why are you telling that now? You could have told him that when he was still alive, it could have saved him. (If thinking in could have is correct, which isn’t but I will not elaborate on that now). People are competing with each other until they destroy themselves. Tell fucking everyone how great they are and actually are, because you are the other viewpoint which they don’t see. Maybe it’s not the best, but almost the best you’ve seen. Fucking tell them that you believe in them. People are so harsh on themselves and on others. Tell your loved ones, tell the people you care about that they can be great. Be honest that actually, they are amazing.

Don’t tell people things which aren’t true. If you don’t believe in them, then don’t say it. But seriously, tell people how amazing they are, they need it.

And I know you are.

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